Sunday, January 3, 2010

So...this is MY first official blog since technically my first post was written by my sweet friend Lindsay who made my blog look so awesome :)

I have officially arrived in Simpsonville, SC which is where I'll actually be living for the next 8 weeks and tomorrow I begin my rotation in Spartanburg. I can't believe that I am starting my 3rd rotation tomorrow...I mean, I only have 4 total, which means graduation is drawing nearer and nearer. I'm not sure what to expect while I'm here, but I know God has placed me here for a reason and I'm excited to see what He has in store for me in the coming weeks! While I don't know where I will be after graduation and what area of PT I want to work in, after packing my life up for the 4th time in about 6 months, I can officially say I DO NOT want to be a traveling PT...I guess that's on decision made and a million more to go!

This is a short post and I promise they won't all be about PT and job stuff, but that's kind of where today has left my mind wandering. Anyways, off to do some reading and prepare for my first day tomorrow! Send up some prayers for me :)



  1. so glad you made it safely! can't wait to hear about your adventures in the upstate! <3

  2. left you something over at my blog!
